A testimony showing bad experiences that result in seeking help through bioenergotherapy.
Well, it is hard to describe all what has happened for last three years in short words, so I am going to begin with the most clamant. For several months we had been living under the same roof with a bioenergotherapist, a reiki guy. He was giving us various treatments: for me, to ease my pain, and as for my husband, that guy claimed, he needed to return back to his childhood and then correct some issues, which have effects in his adult life. Well, I thought, perhaps that would do, he’d correct everything, straighten our paths, we’d start living like humans. But our joy was short-lived, an open conflict with the reiki-bioenergotherapeutist broke out.
After a while we moved out and then various bad things appeared. I haven’t mentioned yet but I was at that time far away from God. My philosophy was: I believe, but I don’t practice. With the passing of time our problems were getting worse: health issues (there was no single week when somebody from our family wasn’t sick for those three years), finances (I don’t remember a single week when I could comfortably allocate enough ”dust” for bread, and literally for bread, it was always difficult), I don’t remember a week without psychical torture (finally we ourselves tyrannized each other cruelly! Even in my job and that of my husband people were cruel, we couldn’t arrange anything in any office, etc. ). I don’t remember a week of peace and love in our family, I just don’t remember such week.
It was hard to live in such confusion, so I made up my mind and took steps… a fortune teller seemed to be an obvious solution. And it was the fortune teller that warned us that the reiki guy must have asked somebody to cast a spell or a curse on us. So in short words she frightened me pretty enough, to talk about it with a friend. And I had a piece of luck, because her relatives were active in some church communities, through her I found a website about exorcisms, than to prayer service led by Fr. Wiktor and in the end to an exorcist. I was reading the website nearly daily, I was so scared before that visit!! I don’t know why, because the exorcist treated me leniently, prayed over me, showen no surprise about anything. Then I had a fantastic Confession, the first one for many years. I felt… an inexpressable phenomenon of God’s love and protection of Saints invocated during the ritual. I am different now (the same as I was in the beginning), I go to the church, receive the sacraments, because I know, those are the means of protection against the occultism. My faith flourishes, I read much, I progress spiritually. I know, I still have a lot to do, I have to bring my husband back to the church, I pray fervently for that and I ask you, dear internauts, for prayer.
A significant result, in my opinion, was that when three weeks after my exorcism the Lord called to his home our John Paul II, I prayed for him fervently as if seeing him off to the very heavenly gates, already as a conscient catholic woman. Isn’t it a miracle? Peace and all good!
P.S. Please remember that you can arrange an hour for the Holy Mass on Sunday. Nothing happens for that hour, nothing slips away and you win the greatest protection in the world!
If you also want to share your testimony, feel free to contact us at info@exorcismus.org

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Unfortunatelly we won’t publish comments and reply. If you need help you should read this e-boook first: http://exorcismus.org/do-you-need-help-download-this-ebook/