A testimony about the healing power of exorcism needed after some “achievements” in occultism.
Two months ago I asked you for help finding an exorcist. You put me in touch with Fr. Michał. I went to him as if I were convinced, but I wasn’t really. He turned out to be really a brilliant priest. During first two visits we concentrated on talk rather (a detailed description of my ”achievements”) as well as on the preparation to the exorcism and to the Confession.
The exorcisms proceeded quite calmly (surprisingly, because the manifestations at home were not that pleasant). Then came the Confession. It was difficult, because I didn’t received the sacraments since my First Communion, for twenty years then. I received the Blessed Sacrament at Good Friday. I chose that day, because it is the day when satan looses everything and it is nothing worse for him than a Holy Communion precisely then.
Referring to your sentence, you publish on your website: ”Don’t be afraid of satan! Trust God, who won over satan and didn’t left people defenceless, He provided them with effective means for fight with evil.” It is not so simple actually. Such harrassment, nightmares and manifestations, are very exhaustive and difficult to bear. I have experienced one of those just last night. I wanted to thank you heartily for that website and for your serious approach to the issue. Satan really exists there is no myth about. He is deceitful and very dangerous, especially for those far away from God.
May God bless you.
If you also want to share your testimony, feel free to contact us at info@exorcismus.org

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