A testimony sent to us showing the power of exorcism.
Blessed be Jesus Christ!
First I’d like to thank those, who run this website. After all among others you also persuaded me to visit an exorcist. There is no such person in my town, so my friends made a great effort to help me to get to the exorcist in the Sanctuary of Our Lady in Częstochowa. After a conversation about my mast, my relationship with the Satanists and participation in their rituals, fr. Tadeusz set off to pray over me. Prior to my visit he had asked my friend who came with me to Częstochowa to join us in that second stage of our meeting.
I don’t remember much of the exorcism itself. I only know that it was so called Major Exorcism. Even today I am shivering at the memory of the stroke of the priest’s stole on my neck. I felt it was hot, as well as the holy water the same. But now everything returned to the normal.
I am able to praise the Lord! I am able to hear the Mass! I have had a general confession! I can kneel to pray! The enemy still tries to attack ocasionally, but I know, he has no chance to win the struggle with Jesus. When I fall, I confess immediately, because I know that only in the confessional I can find peace. Jesus lives and he still prevails over Satan, offering the peace of heart to those who got lost some way.
If you also want to share your testimony, feel free to contact us at info@exorcismus.org

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