A testimony showing what a damage can secular exorcists make with their “exorcisms”.
Dearly beloved brothers and sisters.
I fell victim of secular exorcist named Wanda Pr*** (a Pole, who sells her exorcisms at a distance all over the world). I did, and many, many other people did as well. I trusted a person who preying lack of exorcists in our country made a great fortune at the cost of here clients. I entrusted to her care myself, my brother, my mom and daddy, my grandma and my partner. God must have prevented me from entrusting my daughter, perhaps because she’s not baptized yet.
I do beg you, keep enlightening people on such perils. Not everybody has a PC and internet access at home, as I do, not everybody is able to stay at home to search through the answers for so many questions. Thank God I found you, but that secular „exorcist” was there before. She’s got two houses worth millions, while her „patients” were exposed to health and life threatening rosks. Misfortunes happened to them. Even if she did lead those ghosts away, they kept coming back, besides she claims to help people to cross the curtain of death, such a pack of nonsense!!!!! Please prevent people from believing such things!!!!! Did this world go crazy?? Surely they know next to nothing about the exorcisms, their credulity is enormous and their faith small, my faith as well, if I lost my way that much.
And I thank God, I found it again. I don’t mind publishing my letter, I just ask you to preserve my namelessness. I hope not to hurt my family anymore. Luckily nobody sufferred. Regards. God bless you.
If you also want to share your testimony, feel free to contact us at info@exorcismus.org

We turn to you with a request for your prayer and financial support. We would like to evangelise other countries in the field of spiritual threats, as well. But our Foundation has no funds for further work. Read more…