Dear Reader!
We turn to you with a request for your prayer and financial support. We would like to evangelise other countries in the field of spiritual threats, as well. We would like to reach the readers of many countries with the subject matter of our website, especially readers in Russia, where a dire need exists for it.
The subject matter of this website is very unpopular in other countries, or lacking whatsoever. Catholic websites on exorcisms in the Church are few, while websites promoting Satanism, fortune-telling, magic and New Age abound.
Bank account number:
IBAN – PL86799999950651803589040001
Title: Donation for
Our Address:
Fundacja Pomocnicy Krolowej Rozanca Swietego
ul. Zbaszynska 19/4
60-359 Poznań, Poland

We turn to you with a request for your prayer and financial support. We would like to evangelise other countries in the field of spiritual threats, as well. But our Foundation has no funds for further work. Read more…
Would you kindly give me contact information of any exorcist priest or Bishop who perform major exorcism and black magic cure in India/Indian Subcontinent ?
Rajib Das