The world “scapular” means in Latin a robe that covers the back and thorax. The Carmelite Scapulary consist of two rectangular pieces of brown cloth with the representation of Mary on one side and the Sacred Heart of Jesus on the other. They are connected by ribbons such a way that one part of the Scapular is worn on thorax and the other on the back. Scapular is worn also as a medal.
The Scapulary is a Sacramental that is a holy sign that is visible and sacred by the Church. Thanks to it we can achieve spiritual goods.
The Scapulary Prayer is one of the oldest there are in the Church. According to the tradition Virgin Mary revealed herself on 16th july 1215 to St. Simon Stock, who was a superior of the Carmelites at that time. She told him “take the Scapulary of your Order as a token of our kinship, a privilege for you and all the Carmelites. Who shall die in it, will not encounter hellfire. It is a sign of salvation, the rescue in danger, a covenant of peace and eternal commitment.”
We have to remember that the Scapulary is a God’s gift to us and it can bring us graces only if we wear it consciously and live up to the Gospel. We must not treat it like an amulet because it can provide spiritual graces only when combined with prayers and holy sacraments.
One of the privileges of the Scapulary is the privilege of Saturday – that is Mary’s promise that she will save from purgatory those who wore the Scapulary with devotion, preserved purity and prayed with the Breviary prayer to the Holy Virgin or with any other orayer indicated by a priest for daily recitation (eg. “Under your defense “). The Scapular has to be put on its wearer by the Carmelite priest or pastor.
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