Father in heaven I thank for your immense love for me allowing your Son to die on the Cross for me a sinner. Jesus my Saviour I thank you for taking away my sins and curses on your body on the Cross and sending your Holy Spirit on me. Lord, Holy Spirit I thank you for coming to me and making me a child of God the Father and a brother of Jesus Christ. Lord, Holy Spirit I am sorry for the sins committed by not yielding to your powerful action. I am sorry for my sins. I accept Jesus as the only Lord of my life. God the Holy Spirit, love of the Father and the Son, in order to belong entirely to you, I consecrate to you now, my body and my soul, my understanding and my whole being, my thoughts and desires, my words and deeds, my joys and sorrows, my life and my death. Rule over me, O Spirit of love fill me, sanctify me, empower me and guide me.
(Repeat the last sentence several times with an expectant faith and believing that He is coming over you go into praise giving and thanks giving. Then you will experience the Spirit coming and filling you and you will be even able to pray in tongues thus opening your inner-self to great and wonderful experience of God’s love)
Pray to Mary, Immaculate Spouse of the Holy Spirit to give you an infilling of the Spirit.
“They brought to Him all the sick, those who were afflicted with various diseases
“They brought to Him all the sick, those who were afflicted with various diseases and pains, demoniacs, epileptics And paralytics, and He cured them” (Mt 4:24) |
Jesus heals all those who approach Him with faith even today. It is faith in Him that heals. “Your faith has healed you, go in peace” are His words. They are relevant to this day.
How to pray for healing
Bring your illness to the healing Lord and surrender it with faith. Because Jesus loves you He wants to heal you. Once you pray for a healing you must believe in your hearts that He has already healed you whether you see the healing now or later. “And if we know that He heals us whatever we ask, we know that we have obtained the request made of him” (1 Jn 5: 15). Once you believe that you are healed you must testify before others. Note the woman with blood issue. After having felt the healing touch of the Lord, she without hesitation declared in the presence of all people why she has touched him and how she had been healed instantaneously (Lk 8: 47).
But ask in faith, never doubting (Jas 1:6) |
Pray thus:
My Lord Jesus, I believe that you love me much. I praise you and worship you as my only Saviour and Master. I ask you to cure my sickness, give me a complete healing and set me free. Place your wounded hands on my head and your healing power permeate through my body, let my diseased organ experience the magnificent power of your healing touch. Strengthen me O Lord that I may walk in your ways and do all my duties according to your Holy will. Praise you Jesus, Thank you Jesus, Alleluia (Repeat the prayers as you desire). After the healing prayer you must spend more time in praising Jesus and if you have the gift of Tongues, use it.
Read : Lk 8: 22-56; Heb 11: 1-40; Acts 3: 1-26; Ps 38
“Do not be deceived Fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, prostitutes, sodomites, thieves, the greedy, drunkards, revilers, robbers,- none of them will inherit the Kingdom of God” (1Cor 6: 10). By repetition of sin one falls into the habit of sin. Certain people fall into habitual sins in order to mask the old memories or fears.
If you pray honouring the wounds of Christ and His precious blood you shall be set free from your bondages, for we have been healed by His wounds. The blood of Christ who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without blemish to God will purify our conscience from dead works to worship the living God (Heb 9: 14).
You were taught to put away your former way of life, your old self, corrupt and deluded by its lusts and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds. (Eph 4: 22) |
What should we do?
– Be aware of your habitual sins.
– Repent of them and detest them from the heart.
– As you are in your weakness turn towards Jesus who will strengthen you with His Spirit in your weakness.
– If you persevere in your prayer life and sacramental life and do good works, you will always be united with Jesus and be unable to go back to your old manner of life. “Those who have been born of God do not sin, because God’s spirit abides in them, they cannot sin, because they have been born of God”(I Jn 3: 9)
I will make an everlasting covenant with them, never to cease from doing good to them, and I will put the fear of me in their hearts so that they may not turn from me. (Jer 32: 40) |
Let us pray thus:
O Jesus crucified for me on Calvary, have mercy on me. I surrender all my compulsive habits and entanglements before you (consciously bring each of them that has enslaved you may be alcoholism, smoking, self-abuse, homosexuality, anger, selfishness, cupidity, resentment, etc) O Divine Saviour wash my heart and mind in your precious blood that I may be purified and cleansed like snow. Send your Holy Spirit, the strength and power that flows from your Sacred Heart, into my heart that I may not go back to my old manner of life. Allow me to live very close to your sweet heart that You may be in me and I may be in you ever living a Holy life. Praise you Jesus. Thank you Jesus. (It is good to spend more time in praising Jesus. You may sing a song of praise to Jesus).
Read Mt 5:1-48; Eph 4:17-32; Ps 22
“The Lord, the Lord, good merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for the thousandth generation forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, yet by no means cleaning the guilty, but visiting the iniquity of the parents upon the children, to the third and fourth generation” (Ex 4:7). Perhaps some of the problems we face are due to the wickedness and sinful lives of our ancestors and elders in the family; unrepented sins, debts to be paid back, abortion, killing afflicting widows and orphans, witchcraft and sorcery, idolatry, etc… These call for God’s vengeance. Hence we need to ask to God’s mercy and pardon. If any debts are to be paid back it must be done. If hatred or resentment is present, reconciliation is needed.
See, the Lord’s hand is not too short to save, nor his ears too dull to hear. Rather, your iniquities have been barriers between you and your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you so that He does not hear. (Is 59: 1-2). |
If possible have the following prayer said before a crucifix.
O Merciful Jesus, have mercy on me, a sinner. I earnestly ask you to forgive all the sins and iniquities committed by my parents, grand parents, relatives, friends and superiors. Wash me clean from my sins and guilt by the precious blood which you shed on the Cross for me. In anger cast me not away from your presence. Have mercy on me. O lord as you were merciful to the good thief and the sinner woman and make me your child. Cover me with your precious blood and hide me in your wounds. Be my strength and fortress. Lead me safely along your path of salvation. I surrender myself to your will O Lord. I am ready to go wherever you want me to go; I am ready to do whatever you want me to do. Send your Holy Spirit and strengthen me O Lord, my God. Praise you Jesus. Thankyou Jesus (repeat). It is good to sing hymns of repentance.
Read Jn19: 17-37; Rom 5: 1-12; Ps 106.
Every believer experiences within himself the life of the spirit and the life of the flesh. A Christian must put to death the deeds of the flesh (Rom 8: 13) and live a life according to the Holy Spirit. Flesh means all imaginations, memories, hurts, wounds, negative feelings, shocks, rejection, guilt, sorrows, feelings of abandonment, inherit evil habits, acquired bad habits, bad imitations, etc. When all these are within one, he cannot live a life according to the Spirit. Hence one needs liberation and inner healing. “So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old did has passed away; see, everything has become new” (II Cor 5: 17)
What you should do:
– Bring before the Lord your old self with all its problems. If you spend some time in prayer you will be able to see your old self well.
– Believe that Jesus took away your wounds on His body on the Cross. (1 Pt 2: 24).
– Invite Jesus into your life and ask Him to walk through from the womb of your mother until now.
– While praying, believe in your heart that the Lord is touching you and healing you (1 Jn 5: 14-15) and praise God for the wonderful experience of inner healing.
Pray thus
Jesus, I ask you to enter into my heart and touch those life experiences which need to be healed. You know me much better than I know myself. Therefore, bring your love to every corner of my heart. Wherever you discover the wounded child, touch him, console him and release him.
Walk back through my life to the very moment when I was conceived. Cleanse my body and free me from those things which may have exerted a negative influence at that moment. Bless me as I was being formed within my mother’s womb and remove all barriers to wholeness which may have affected me during those months of confinement.
Grant me a deep desire to be born again and heal any physical or emotional traumas which could have harmed me during the birth process. Thank you Lord, for being there to receive me into your arms at the very moment of my birth to welcome me onto the earth and assure me that You would never fail me or desert me.
Jesus, I ask you to surround my infancy with your light and touch those memories which keep me from being free. If I needed more a mother’s love, send me your mother, Mary, to provide whatever is lacking. Ask her to hold me close, to kiss me, to tell me stories and fill in those empty parts of me which need the comfort and warmth only a mother could give.
Perhaps the child inside felt deprived in the area of father’s love. Lord, let me be free to cry “Abba”, Daddy, with every part of my being. If I needed more of a father’s love and security to assure me that I was wanted and loved very deeply, I ask you to hold me and let me feel your strong, protective arms. Give me renewed confidence and courage to face the trials of the world because I know my Father’s love will support me if I stumble and fall.
Walk through my life, Lord, and comfort me when others were not kind. Heal the wounds of encounters which left frightened, which cause me to retreat into myself and erect barriers to the people. If I have felt lonely, abandoned and rejected by humanity, grant me, through your healing love, a new sense of worth as a person.
People rejected me, they spoke ill of me when I was innocent, and I felt sad and resentful. O Lord come and heal me. I present my compulsive habits and my old corrupted and rotten self to you, wash me and clean me, O Lord.
Jesus, I give myself to you, body, mind and spirit and I thank you for making me whole
Thank you Lord
It is good to attend an inner-healing retreat.

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