Anneliese Michel

Anneliese Michel

Anneliese Michel (born on 21 September 1952 in Leibfing, Bavaria, died on 1 July 1976 in Klingenberg am Main). She experienced a multiple possession. Fr. Ernst Alt, Anneliese’s spiritual guide, whom she let into her secrets, says that the girl voluntarily accepted the suffering accompanying a possession as expiation for other people’s sins. She became a sort of a prison for evil spirits, thus limiting their work in the world.

The story of Anneliese Michel’s possession was turned into the script of Scott Derrickson’s famous film, The Exorcism of Emily Rose and, later on, Requiem. We recommend articles on Anneliese’s life, as well as on the film itself.

1. Exorcism of Anneliese Michel – Audio tapes


2. Documentary:

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